Toys Kawaii Creatures

Deze schattige wezentjes met hoog knuffel gehalte heten de Kawaii Creatures. Kitty Cute is de oer Kitty. Met schmink en maskers verandert ze graag in één van haar alter ego’s; Kitty Star, Kitty Lee, Kitty Wave, Kitty Jack of Kitty Kiss. Elke knuffel is samengesteld uit twee alter ego’s, er is geen achterkant! Er zijn 15 verschillende combinaties. De knuffels zijn gezeefdrukt op ongebleekte katoen met inkt op waterbasis. Het fluoriserende gele label kun je gebruiken om de creatures op te hangen.
Te koop via de webshop en Etsy: and

These cute cuddly creatures are called the Kawaii Creatures. The first Kitty of them all is Kitty Cute. With paint and masks she likes to change in one of her many persona’s; Kitty Star, Kitty Lee, Kitty Wave, Kitty Jack or Kitty Kiss. Each toy is made of two persona’s, there is no backside! There are 15 different combinations. The toys are screen printed on non-bleached cotton with water based ink. The fluorescent yellow tag can be used to hang the creatures on your wall or from the ceiling.
For sale in the webshop and Etsy: and

Toys Kawaii Creaturesmaryshangs